Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 726
Annual Return Start: 01 Jan 2015
Annual Return End: 31 Dec 2015
Date Received: 02 Mar 2016
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
L2.1/L2.4 Exceed limit for F. Iron (x1-min/mod) due to WTP malfunction, F. Manganese (x1-min) due to power outage, and TSS (x1-min-mod) due to high intensity rainfall event. EPA notified and responded. EPA has written to licensee. EPA has written to licensee regarding non-compliance and relevant action 1
L1.1/O1.1/O2.1 Failure of REA 3 (breach of eastern wall) on 02 July 2015 leading to the discharge and movement of coal fines into the Wollangambe River for approx. 10.3km (investigations continuing). EPA responded and investigated. Prosecution to be commenced. Non-compliance(s) under investigation 1